Hidden Nuggets: Somany Tiles – Kuch Nahi Bigdega

In 2010 Somany Tiles needed a breath of fresh air in their advertising.
Somany wasn’t present on TV for a while and they wanted to come back but not with the same boring advertising – beautiful home with computer generated floors; happy family wanting to show-off their taste; or cranky kids making their mark on earth (tiled) etc…
In a pitch they chose Lintas as their creative partners.
It was Vikram Satyanath who suggested that Somany should look at a younger audience as the age profile of people buying homes has gone down from 34 to 28 years and Somany needed to connect with them.
So they needed a fresher, younger image
The team had cracked a nice ad. But Uday remembered a funny situation he had experienced during another shoot at Alibaug Beach where a flamboyant servicing friend of his got the new car meant for the shoot stuck in sand while trying to get a cold drink for himself. A few locals who were on the beach were all equipped to handle the situation with wooden planks and bricks etc, obviously for a nice fee.
He discussed the idea with Rajiv Agrawal his creative partner. Rajiv was excited. Along with few more ideas they bounced it off Amer Jaleel (NCD). Amer was thrilled with this particular idea as it matched his vision of how to pitch a comeback for the brand that was away from public eye for a while.
Nikhil Rao came on board to direct the commercial and he added the touch of setting the situation on a beach in Kerala with some quirky Malayalee payyans. He also picked a popular catchy Malayalam film track – Karale Karale (Music by Ousephachan and Deepak Dev) which was playing on his mind ever since he started planning the shoot.
So there they had an offbeat film highlighting a functional benefit in a refreshing manner and got Somany Ceramics back on screen and back on people’s minds.
10 years later, Somany told Uday that they plan to reuse the ad again.