Ryan Reynolds isn't just a Hollywood actor—he's a masterful entrepreneur who has built a business empire by combining sharp instincts, clever branding, and a unique personality. U…
Clove Oil in Indian Culture
Clove oil has been an integral part of Indian traditional medicine for centuries. Due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it is primaril…
According to Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory (SLT), published in the '60s, people pick up new habits, perspectives, and values only by seeing others around them. SLT empha…
Henri Tajfel and John Turner proposed the concept in the 1970s. It describes how individuals get their sense of self from the organisations to which they belong. This theory sugge…
People are less inclined to assist victims or step in during an emergency if other people are around, a phenomenon known as the Bystander Effect. As the number of onlookers grows,…
Eicher Motors' rise mirrors India's journey towards industrial and economic development. Founded by Man Mohan Lal in 1948, the company began operations when the country was still …
Are you very stressed at work? Are you constantly feeling exhausted? Does your energy feel drained, and your patience run thin? These are signs of burnout—a growing challenge for …
India’s vibrant food scene isn’t just about big names—it’s about local flavours, creativity, and community. Despite the influence of large chains, there are always homegrown estab…
People frequently admire animals for certain traits that make them "better" than humans, but this is a subjective judgment. Animals have characteristics people admire for being no…
Captain Gorur Ramaswamy Iyengar Gopinath, widely known as Captain Gopinath, was born on November 13, 1951, in the small village of Gorur in Karnataka’s Hassan district. Raised in …
The concept that happy, empowered staff are better able to provide remarkable customer experiences is a common rationale for leading organisations that put people first and consum…
In case you've never had it before, Biryani is a famous Indian rice dish made with aromatic basmati rice, spices, vegetables, and meats like chicken and mutton.
Traditional bir…
Flour, lentils, and fermented rice form the batter of the thin, crispy pancake known as dosa or dosai. It is a common accompaniment to the lentil-based sambar and the tangy chutne…
The Indian dessert known as Rossogolla is a famous dish that has cottage cheese, or chenna, soaking in sugar syrup. Dipped in thick sugar syrup, it transforms into a spongy ball.