Iconic Ads: Vicco Vajradanti – Toothpaste & Toothpowder

The messaging was clear – use Vicco Vajradanti and you will have a set of great, strong teeth for the rest of your life

In the 70s & 80s, when people visited the cinemas, chances are you saw a commercial which had many people of various age groups cracking nuts, tearing sugar cane and biting apples with their teeth.

The commercial was for Vicco Vajradanti. The first Ayurvedic toothpaste & toothpowder in the world launched in 1952. It consisted of 18 rare medicinal herbs.

Back to the commercial, all the benefits were attributed to Vicco Vajradanti. The jingle would play Vicco Vajradanti (some 6- 7 times) and talk about the ayurvedic formulation and Indian origin.

The messaging was clear – use Vicco Vajradanti and you will have a set of great, strong teeth for the rest of your life, no matter how old you are.

There was nothing creative about the commercial or the brand. It reflected the personality of the founders who were simple and spoke directly. Likewise, the commercial was simple and direct.

Since Indians loved film music, and the commercial was largely played in the cinemas, there was a jingle which played, a stick-in-your-mind type.

The publicity and advertising campaigns were through Vicco’s sister concerns, Modern Advertising Agency and Uta.

Noted lyricist Raajesh Johri (one of the pioneers of Indie Pop) is said to have contributed to the commercial.

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