Doggone! What My Furry Kids Taught Me

There are many things we can learn from dogs. Here is my point of view after being with them for many many years.
“Animals may teach us invaluable lessons about ourselves, which may be their most incredible gift.” Author: Nick Trout
As a dog parent and dog lover, I couldn’t pass up this chance to reminisce and think about what dogs have taught me. The three furry children we have, made our lives complete.
I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by saying this, but dogs are superior to us in many ways. If we define wisdom as the ability to reflect on one’s past acts and adapt accordingly, dogs are much more intelligent than the average person.
Consider the following lessons:
1. Living In The Present & Being Mindful
Dogs are present-moment-appreciation experts. True masters of mindfulness, dogs can teach us to appreciate the here and now. Instead of dwelling on the past or fretting about the future, they take pleasure in the here and now, modelling for us the value of being present and appreciating each moment.
Most of the time, the average human brain is busy processing many complicated ideas. We get into such a tizzy that we forget to breathe and eventually stop seeing our surroundings.

2. Unconditional Love
Dogs give their affection freely and never ask for anything in return. Simply loving one another is enough; there is no competition for who loves whom more or who does more for whom.
Dogs love without conditions, welcoming people of any colour, creed, or orientation. Acceptance, empathy, and the strength of genuine human connection are all lessons we can learn from this.
3. Look At The Bright Side Of Things
You know that sensation when your thoughts are all up in the air, and you’re glum for no apparent reason? When I approach my dogs, they come over and give me an “I love you” look. I melt
The unconditional love of a dog is a constant reminder to find happiness in the little things in life. What horrible thing could happen now that I’m feeling this wonderful?
4. Show Gratitude
Recognising the positives in one’s life rather than dwelling on shortcomings is the key to contentment. For humans, though, it presents a more significant challenge. This is because it is in our nature to ignore positive experiences and focus on negative ones.
However, canines are an exception. If you have a dog, you know that every time you feed it, it acts like it is experiencing food for the first time. They run back and forth in a frenzy of delight whenever you pick up the leash to take them on a stroll. Even if you’ve just returned from taking the garbage out, they’re overflowing with Happiness to see you. Dogs teach us that no matter how mundane a task may be, we should always pause to be grateful for the chance to do it.
5. Forget About The Past.
There’s nothing more remarkable about dogs: they can be healed from any level of misery or cruelty with even a little time and effort. Dogs have little memory of the past and feel little resentment or bitterness.
6. Cultivating A Sense Of Playfulness
A dog’s propensity to play shows they may enjoy minor activities, like chasing a ball or biting a soft toy. This sense of contentment inspires us to incorporate more laughter and joy into our daily lives.

7. Dedication
A dog’s loyalty to its human family is unwavering. Maintaining our word and standing by people we care about is particularly important in trying times, and this promise serves as a reminder.
8. Forgiveness
Dogs are not capable of harbouring resentment. When a conflict or misunderstanding arises, they instantly forgive and move on. Forgiveness, letting go of bitterness, and establishing more positive connections are all valuable lessons we can learn from this. Just think of how peaceful our planet might be if everyone adopted this way of life.
When you unknowingly hurt a dog, you understand the agony of seeing your dog in pain more than anything else. But our canine companions take a few seconds to remember the whole event.
Yes, dogs are among the most tolerant of other animals; that makes them so carefree and joyful. For us human beings, there is a lot to learn and unlearn from dogs as pet animals when it comes to forgiving others and moving on.
9. Stay True & Loyal
One of the most vital links between a dog and its human companion is the dog’s loyalty. Your pet thinks the world of you because of your heroic qualities. Dogs’ popularity likely stems in part from this uncomplicated quality.
There are various methods by which dogs demonstrate their devotion to their masters. To that end, we need to follow suit. And what does this imply? Meet together with your loved ones and relax. Be kind and sympathetic to others around you. This will show your dedication and earn you their loyalty.
Hachikō. The Japanese Akita is famous for his undying devotion to his owner. In all, Hachiko waited at the train station for his owner for nine years after his master’s death in 1925.

10. Keep Our Loved Ones Safe
Dogs’ ability to watch over and defend their human family members has been shown repeatedly. The urge to protect one’s territory is bred into many dog breeds.
They may pick up on subtle cues that we would otherwise overlook. They may have superior senses, but we can still emulate their fierce protection of loved ones by acting quickly and devotedly.
11: Take Pleasure In Life’s Little Pleasures
Among the many things we can learn from dogs, this is one of the most crucial. To maintain their contentment, dogs only need a little. Dogs, like most of us, appreciate every opportunity they get.
Dogs, in contrast to humans, don’t need a lot of fancy amenities or to be kept continually active to be happy. Just being in your company is enough for them.
They love going on walks with the family, hanging out with other dogs, etc.
Some dogs would do everything for one more round of fetch with their favourite ball or chew toy. That, and every once in a while, you get a delicious snack.
12. Keep The Faith
It is! True believers may learn a lot from dogs. Not even the absence of their desire can dampen their spirits.
13. Take Your Time To Pass Judgement
Unlike some humans, dogs don’t care about the sexual orientation, race, or gender of their human companions. Dogs need nothing more than a person’s nature and behaviours to determine whether they are trustworthy. Dogs learn to trust humans, regardless of their ethnicity or the people they love, through positive interactions such as smiles and petting. Whether you are a rich man or a street cleaner, it makes no difference to a dog. In contrast to human affection, canine affection is not conditional on material wealth.
14. Not All Families Are Related Through Blood

Dogs have a far deeper understanding than humans do of the concept of “family,” including the fact that it need not consist only of biological kin. Given how much affection we give and receive from our dogs, it is difficult to tell that they are not blood relatives.
15. Be Steadfast And Brave
Loyal dogs are brave dogs, and vice versa. The pack’s cohesiveness, security, and Happiness are of paramount significance to dogs because of their sociability (this is also true of people). In danger, a dog will lay down its life to defend its group. Dogs are always reliable.
16. Don’t Overcomplicate
Food, housing, fun, and love are the most basic requirements for a dog. Happiness for a dog is defined by the satisfaction of their most fundamental need. As a rule, dogs don’t waste time or money on pointless trinkets they don’t need.
17: Never Laugh At Another’s Misfortune
Dogs don’t use words but communicate via their energy and bodies. Dogs can sense when you’re upset, sick, or feeling down, and they’ll do anything they can to make you feel better. Dogs aren’t the kind of animals who poke fun at others’ tragedies or shortcomings.
In this ever-changing world, remember the wisdom of our canine pals. Let these profound teachings from our animal companions lead us to a deeper, more tranquil way of dealing with life’s inevitable difficulties.