Oops! Nike let Stephen Curry Slip Through

Nike for all its marketing and business muscle did not identify Stephen Curry as a potential star. And they treated him shabbily
When Stephen Curry entered the NBA, he signed with Nike. His godfather, Greg Brink, worked for Nike. In Davidson college he wore Nikes.
Curry’s contract with Nike was up for renewal
In Aug 2013 a meeting took place. Lead Nike negotiator Lynn Merritt was not present, indicating that the meeting was unimportant.
A Nike officer mispronounced Stephen as Steph-on. No one corrected or apologized
Worse, the presentation to Curry featured Kevin Durant’s name –a careless job!
Leaving Nike was now a consideration.
Under Armour needed Curry. They used Kent Bazemore, a Golden Warrior State teammate & fellow North Carolina guy
Bazemore barely played, but Under Armour lavished him by supplying lots of shoes & that got the players’ attention
Bazemore told Curry that he could talk to Under Armour & get him his own shoe. Curry was interested
A meeting was set up. Curry asked ‘You guys are doing this stuff for Bazemore. What are you going to be doing for me?’ ” After the meeting, Curry texted Bazemore that he may sign with Under Armour
Curry’s existing contract with Nike granted them matching rights even if Curry did want to leave
But Nike failed to match a $4 million/year deal!
Under Armour had Curry!
And now Under Armour’s Stephen Curry signature shoe business is bigger than those of LeBron, Kobe etc. except Micheal Jordan