In today's volatile social, economic, and political environment, organisations have emerged as critical pillars of trust. The Edelman Trust Barometer reveals that 75% of people gl…
Consider two people: one consistently fulfils promises and responds predictably, while the other is erratic and untrustworthy.
Imagine now how similar situations may play out i…
Many marketers are completely obsessed with their intended audience. They make an effort to learn their clients' habits and preferences, among many other details. Market research …
People's familiarity with your brand has always been vital, but it is much more so now. When faced with a variety of options, it also has a significant impact on consumers' purcha…
When you travel with Singapore Airlines, you feel that many aspects communicated through various media are extended to the aircraft - the Singapore Girl, the high price levels, t…
Brand positioning is the "science and art of creating and deploying messages that create perceptions in the minds of your target markets." This is based on the idea that your mark…
As much as the advent of the digital era has improved business on a global scale, it has not been without cost. With so many options and resources available online, buyers often c…
It's an odd psychological irony that although we try our hardest to avoid internal contradictions, we're fascinated by the seeming contradictions we see in others. The human exper…
Volkswagen introduced the Beetle to the American market in the 1950s. The general public in the United States strongly preferred flashy, high-powered vehicles. And here was an aut…
This is a confusing world. Customers talk about having a global outlook. There is a strong sense of being localised in tastes and, along with it, asserting a need to be personalis…
If you work in marketing, you've probably heard about the terms 'brand community' from your bosses.
You may have a rudimentary understanding of how to get started, such as by …
I prefer Bacardi to Old Monk; I like Absolut to Grey Goose; I like Puma to Reebok; The list goes on
Putting the products aside, there are reasons why I prefer the brands mentio…