Animal Planet – Rebranding failed when the animal left!

A brand’s identity is much more than simply a logo or colour scheme; it’s about clearly communicating the values and ideals of the company.
Many businesses go through a rebranding effort at some point, and the results are usually quite positive. When rebranding is executed well, businesses not only see a surge in revenue but also get exposure to customers outside of their traditional target market.
Rebranding is not an easy task. A brand’s identity is much more than simply a logo or colour scheme; it’s about clearly communicating the values and ideals of the company. This is why many corporations invest millions in creating a whole new brand.
However, when things don’t go as planned, it may be a nightmare for public relations since companies’ brands will inevitably face negative feedback and consumer backlash.
In terms of worldwide viewership, Animal Planet is in the top tier. The simple but recognisable logo was a big part of the reason this TV station became famous in the first place (along with the amazing animal-related material they aired).
The initial logo was charming; it had an image of the world, a simple typography, and a silhouette of an elephant. The logo was easily recognised and resonated with the target demographic.

New look
In 2018, Animal Planet shocked fans by unveiling a brand-new logo to the public.
When designing their new logo, Animal Planet had in mind something that would evoke strong feelings associated with the animal realm. The logo was created to evoke the basic emotions that motivate all living things, whether it is the need for fear, hunger, survival, nurture, and pleasure. The logo’s horizontal M was supposed to stand out, but it just looks weird and didn’t end up doing its job. Without the planet, which served as its major and distinguishing feature, the logo no longer has the same impact as it once had.
The M redesigned logo was completely different from the previous one and failed to convey any of the company’s core beliefs. The animal network’s description of the new logo and the ideals it should symbolise was vague and unrelatable.
Thus, at the end of 2018, Animal Planet chose to return to its origins while including some contemporary elements. The new logo includes a blue elephant in mid-leap and the words “Animal Planet” in a black, strong font.
The most up-to-date form of the design, a blue symbol, is an effort to revive the network’s original brand by including the recognizable elephant from the previous logo.
A corporation may decide to rebrand for a variety of reasons. Please bear in mind that just because you introduce something new to your clientele does not guarantee they will immediately fall in love with it if you have chosen it is time to revamp your brand’s image.
Despite its potential, rebranding is not easy to implement. Investing in a rebranding campaign that is executed well may help your firm better connect with its target market, adopt a new strategic direction, increase customer support, and boost revenue. If not executed properly, a rebranding effort may be completely ineffective. On the other side, if you make the wrong decision, your revenues will plummet and your clientele will turn against you.