Iconic Ads: Johnson & Johnson – Nude Models Wanted

This ad was taking a pot shot at the so-called moral preachers. And this is considered one of the big successes as it managed to get the attention of the lewd mind
In 1993, a simple b/w 30cc ad was published on some page inside (of newspapers). It brought in a lot of attention.
India is known for its extremely moralistic attitude where miniskirts are equated to lewdness and skin show is frowned upon. The idea is to repress any progressiveness in sexual liberty and act as a sitting on the high ground spewing so-called moral values. (even though we are the land of Kama Sutra and Khajuraho).
This ad was taking a pot shot at the so-called moral preachers. And this is considered one of the big successes as it managed to get the attention of the lewd mind without any ‘indecency’.
This also was taking a cock-a-snook at the prevailing hypocrisy where a kiss is indecent but leering at women on screen is fun.
At the corporate level, Johnson and Johnson is known for its safe advertising, keeping a huge distance from anything controversial. Also, fearful that the international HQ may rebuke the local offices for veering from the dictated path.
This is one of the rare exceptions

Chris Rosario thought of this creative at Trikaya Grey with Vikas Gaitonde adding his deft touches to an ad that won many awards.