The Price to Pay
While we pay our respects to a blue-blooded brand Kodak, I can't help but think about what led to its dismal performance and downfall. People may blame it on d…
Nassim Taleb would be happy that the Black Swan Theory has shown its face in various parts of the world. Tunisia, Syria and closer home Nepal.
In a sign of increasing courage a…
For any organization to survive, systems and processes are required. The larger the organization gets the more the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure). The more the number of &nbs…
Some years back a large MNC took an altruistic stance of terminating the services of the employees who had arguably resorted to 'not so fair' measures to cut down on their taxes. …
I love dogs. I have had pedigreed dogs from a genetically fashioned birth and I have had dogs that were born out of nature's promiscuity. The result of this promiscuity is typical…