The Good Storytelling Pointers

Everyone likes good stories. Here are some indicators on how to write a good marketing story. Chances are readers will like them

  • Good stories have masala/drama. Shocking or provocative content isn’t always drama. It might be as simple as the reader not knowing what happened next – a small mystery.
  • Good stories feature characters that stick in your mind. The personality, aims and motivations of characters should be unique to them and should aid in our understanding of their actions.
  • Good stories are relatable. It is easier to persuade someone who can relate to your tale.
  • Good stories have a genuine tone. It’s not because it’s accurate, but rather because it’s dependable. If you tell a tale that isn’t consistent, you won’t be able to get away with it from consumers.
  • Good stories provide promises of fun, safety, or a quick route to success. Just remember if the promise is uneventful and boring; and if it’s not extraordinary, then it’s not worth the time.
  • Good stories are believed and trusted. Don’t break that trust as it is in short supply now.
  • Good stories are told better when there is credibility. Either the person writing the story is credible or the sources are credible.
  • Good stories are most persuasive when readers work out their meaning for themselves
  • Good stories must compel the audience to figure out what the story means to them, on their own. Don’t confuse them
  • Good stories don’t spill out everything. Some are left to the imagination of the reader/ viewer. Clever marketers leave it up to their audience to come up with their own conclusions.
  • Good stories are immersive. When readers are immersed in a good story, they feel as though they are a part of it, the more invested a reader becomes in a story.
  • Good stories don’t necessitate a massive amount of text, video, or images (though a small bit helps). Even the smallest of tales can hold a reader’s attention.
  • Good stories engage our emotions and senses, rather than appeal to rationality.
  • Good stories are often the simplest ones. Remove anything that isn’t essential to the story. Simplicity is the key to success. Complexity is the source of all the flaws.
  • Good stories don’t appeal to everyone. No one will be interested in your narrative if you try to make it appealing to everyone. The most effective stories are those that speak to a small group of people, and then that group spreads the word about the narrative they just heard.
  • Good stories are able to grab the imaginations of an important/ significant audience.
  • Good stories don’t deceive or contradict. You can count on consumers to be astute and catch on to your deception right away.
  • Good stories agree with the audience’s preconceptions and remind them of how accurate they were in the first place.
  • Good stories are good to be spoken about. A sense of virality!

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