Target audience

Everybody has Goals and Aspirations

Everybody has some hopes. Everybody has some aspirations. There is no one without any

3 years ago

Correct Target Audience – Do You Know Them?

A well-defined target audience is the very important. Many give vague descriptions. Resulting in a terrible marketing plan.

3 years ago

Post Demographics – Classical segmentation is out

“Post-Demographics” – where relying on demographics for defining customers would be precarious. Consumers aren’t defining themselves by demographics – they…

3 years ago

Minimum Viable Audience = Extra Lucrative Audience = Best ROI

Look at micro-targeting and only get people who will really find your product/ service interesting. The intention is to build…

3 years ago

Not Knowing Your Target Audience – The Fundamental Flaw

You cannot be everything for everyone and you cannot expect 'anyone' to be interested. The root cause of poor marketing…

3 years ago