For brand credibility and long-term customer relationships, managers should prioritise consistency across all touchpoints.
Practising active empathy is not only essential for building strong brand-customer relationships but also for driving business success
A brand's ability to convey its messaging, establish trust, and influence customer behaviour is enhanced by the recognition
To strengthen brand recognition, expose your customers to your company's primary messaging, visual branding, and other features consistently.
De-positioning and positioning are both necessary for a holistic brand positioning strategy to work rather than being at opposite ends
When companies try to treat the effects of commoditization instead of its cause, they just end up more ensnared. They…
With people being exposed to multiple cultures, brands may have to take seemingly contradictory stands but appeal their audience.
Turn a perceived deficiency into a differentiating strength by telling a narrative that alters negative perceptions of a brand may…
The Collaborative Three-Box approach enables how global and regional teams need to collaborate for the good of the brand.
Brand or Cause led communities are probably the best ways to grow a brand. However starting off should be well-…
Brands are extensions of your personality. You interact with the brand intensively when you feel it is a reflection of…